2020 Be connected To GOD Quarterly Theme, Calendar of  Gospel New Life Church Of God Inc

Year Theme: Be Obedient  Bring Out the Gifts, Serve One Another (1 Peter 4ï¼Å¡10)




Ministry Focus



Know ourselves

1. Duty adjustment and distribution among members re-structuring of each fellowship; Renewing Name lists, Discipleship training.

2. Promote church   Sunday Daily devotion, renew Sunday welcome team system,

3.Palm Sunday, Easter, 30th  Anniversary plan & preparation



Discipline ourselves

1. Promote small group activities,  

2.Encouraging all members to join a serving ministry,    


3.Review 1-6 & Plan 7-12 Church activities, Prepare join Conference



Equip ourselves

1.Join Church Conference

2. Inviting and accepting new friends through all kinds of summer activities such as ,  picnic & Banquet.

3.Organizing all kinds of activities to spread the Gospel & inviting new friends to cell groups, fellowships, family and church activities



Consecrate ourselves

1.One lead one activities

2.Examining service work for the past year and preparing for 2021

   ministry; Contacting new freind, electing the new freind

3.Preparing the congregational meeting, handbook

Major Church Activities in 2020.      Beginning operations of the ministry(1/4); Inauguration of new Deacons (2/1)

2.      10 Congregational Meeting, Annual Book (2/1).   Concert  

3.      March break activities (3/15)-2020

4.      Palm Sunday(4/26, Easter Service, 30th Anniversary,Youth Play

5.      Mother’s Day celebration (5/17),

6.      Fathers Day (6/14)  Youth camping.

7.      7/5-19/2020  Join Conference,  (8/8-2020) picnic, Summer B-B-Q, activities.

8.      8/7-8 Leadership Summit 2020,

9.      9/11-14 conference

10.  Thanksgiving Day (10/4) Prayer

11.  (11/14) Plan & Preparing for next year’s ministry.

12.  (12/13) Bible Day , youth concer,play  (12/19-26), Year-end prayer meeting

The Goal of the year “Bring our Gifts, Shine this generation